Tag / AzurePowerTip

Azure PowerTip 5: Setting up an Sql Server with the Adventureworks Sample Database in 2 Minutes

I remember when I wrote a blog post in 2014 about how you can set up the Adventure Works Sample Database on an Sql Server hosted in Azure in under 10 minutes: http://manuelmeyer.net/2014/07/azureadventures-setting-up-the-adventureworks-database-in-under-10-minutes/ Well, today we can beat this time. In the meantime, the Adventure Works db has been integrated into the db setup in...CONTINUE READING

Azure PowerTip 4: Unable to Connect to Azure Sql Database. IP Address is not allowed to access server.

When using Sql Databases on Azure, the firewall on the db server blocks requests from unknown IPs. This means that when you try to connect from a client such as Sql Server Management Studio (SSMS) or Visual Studio, your request to connect to the db is rejected with the following message: Cannot connect to mmedb.database.windows.net....CONTINUE READING

Azure PowerTip 3: Don’t get lost in Azure. Use the “Interactive Azure Platform Big Picture”.

This post introduces the “Interactive Azure Platform Big Picture” hosted at: http://azureplatform.azurewebsites.net/en-us/ I just stumbled across this recently. But I LOVE it! It is very easy to get lost in the hundreds of Azure services and building blocks. Of course, you get a lot of info from the Azure Service Directory: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/   Or the...CONTINUE READING

Azure PowerTip 2: So what exactly is “Classic Azure”, “V1”, V2” and “ARM”?

Especially Azure beginners often struggle with the differences between the classic deployment model in Azure and the Azure Resource Manager (ARM) model. This posts explains the differences from my point of view. Have fun reading. So what is “classic” and what is “ARM”? As you might or might not know, there are two different deployment...CONTINUE READING

Azure PowerTip 1: Installing Azure Powershell using the Web Platform Installer

This post explains how to install the Microsoft Azure Powershell Commandlets using the Web Platform Installer (WPI). Today, there are a multitude of ways how you can manage your Microsoft Azure Resources. Often, I find myself fiddling around in the Azure Portal and creating, deleting and configuring stuff. However, since I have become a big...CONTINUE READING
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