Tag / Microsoft

Announcing .NETConf.local Zürich & Pizza & Beer

In the name of the Azure Zurich User Group (www.azurezurichusergroup.com) and .NET Day Switzerland (www.dotnetday.ch), we are organising a .NETConf.local event on 20.10.2017 in Zürich! If you are interested in .NET Core, Xamarin, Roslyn, etc…, join us and register on our meetup page. The event is open to anyone, held in English and free of...CONTINUE READING

TechDays 2017

I will be speaking about the new productivity features in Visual Studio 2017 at TechDays 2017! Schneller zum Release mit Live-Unit-Testing und den Produktivitätstools von Visual Studio 2017 “Faster, leaner and full of productivity features”. Das verspricht Microsoft für die neueste Version der Entwicklungsumgebung Visual Studio. In dieser Session lernen sie die neuesten Features wie...CONTINUE READING

Great Article: 20 years of Microsoft Windows by Peter Bright from arstechnica.com: From Windows NT to Hololens in 2 Decades

Source: www.arstechnica.com   Today I stumbled upon an article that blew my mind. Peter Bright (@drpizza) from www.arstechnica.com wrote an amazing article about what Microsoft did with Windows over the last 2 decades. I think the article covers every Microsoft related term that I have ever heard: Windows NT, Win32, WinRT, XBox, Hololens and so...CONTINUE READING

Universal Windows Platform (UWP) Design Templates

Did you know that there are design templates that can be used to create mockups of Windows Universal Apps? https://dev.windows.com/en-us/design/assets In addition to the templates for PowerPoint and Adobe Illustrator the now provide Adobe Photoshop Templates as well. Check out this link for details on the new Photoshop templates: http://blogs.windows.com/buildingapps/2015/10/23/windows-10-uwp-app-templates-for-adobe-photoshop/ On a side note, check...CONTINUE READING

WPF Samples: Real World WPF Line-of-Business (LOB) Applications

Have you ever wondered what WPF LOB Applications are out there in the wild? Pete Brown published an interesting collection of real world WPF applications called the Book of WPF. It is already a couple of years old but still interesting to look at: http://10rem.net/blog/2010/02/10/the-book-of-wpf You can download the PDF directly here: http://archive.msdn.microsoft.com/Project/Download/FileDownload.aspx?ProjectName=WPFPresents&DownloadId=8223 Somehow I...CONTINUE READING
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