If you are interested in the new debugging and profiling features that came with Visual Studio 2015, check out my
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Basta 2015 WPF Profiling in VS2015 Session
I held a presentation on WPF Profiling in Visual Studio 2015 at the recent Basta 2015 Conference in Mainz, Germany.
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Profiling WPF Applications in Visual Studio 2015 with the WPF Timeline Tool
In VS2013 Microsoft introduced the Performance and Diagnostics Hub. (Check my blog post here: http://www.12qw.ch/2015/03/performance-profiling-of-net-applications-in-visual-studio-20132015/) In visual Studio 2015, the
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Performance Profiling of .NET Applications in Visual Studio 2013/2015
There have been a lot of improvements in the troubleshooting and especially profiling capabilities of Visual Studio over the last
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