Tag / Debugging

Debugging and Profiling in VS2015 Article on simple-talk.com

If you are interested in the new debugging and profiling features that came with Visual Studio 2015, check out my article on www.simple-talk.com: https://www.simple-talk.com/dotnet/visual-studio/debugging-and-profiling-in-visual-studio-2015/ Simple talk is the “technical journal and community hub from Redgate”. I urge you to check it out if you are interested either in Sql Server, .NET, Azure or all of...CONTINUE READING

VS2015 New Debugging and Performance Features (German)

I wrote an article for the August 2015 edition of Windows Developer Magazin that introduces the new debugging features in Visual Studio 2015. I has recently been published online for everybody to read. If you are interested in debugging in VS2015, go check it out (note: it is written in German): https://entwickler.de/online/windev/visual-studio-2015-wpf-xaml-debuggen-168386.html The article presents...CONTINUE READING
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