Archives / November 2013

Using Complex Event Processing (CEP) with Microsoft StreamInsight to Analyze Twitter Tweets 7: The Sample Application 3

Note: This post is one of a series, the overview can be found here: Complex Event Processing with StreamInsight Writing the StreamInsight Queries The sample code to the application can be downloaded here: Scenario 1: Tweets per Second As we can see from our pass-through implementation from the last post, we receive a large amount of...CONTINUE READING

Using Complex Event Processing (CEP) with Microsoft StreamInsight to Analyze Twitter Tweets 6: The Sample Application 2

Note: This post is one of a series, the overview can be found here: Complex Event Processing with StreamInsight The sample code to the application can be downloaded here: Putting it all together Now that we have written our TweetItem, TwitterStream an Unsubscriber class, we can put it all together and write the actual StreamInsight code....CONTINUE READING
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