Archives / August 2016

New Android Emulator for Xamarin Development in Visual Studio 2015 – AND IT JUST WORKS!!! (Xamarin Android Player XAP deprecated!)

From the first day that I have been using Xamarin for cross-platform development, it was a struggle. One of the biggest pain-points was the use of emulators. While deploying and debugging code on a real device worked, I always had issues with emulators. My experience with the Android Emulators I tried using various emulators to...CONTINUE READING

Article Published (Windows Developer): Introduction to Azure Mobile Apps

The Windows Developer Magazin ( recently published my article about Azure Mobile Apps in its 9.16 edition:   Azure Mobile Apps Azure Mobile Apps, known as Mobile Services before, are a set of services offered by the Azure Cloud to support mobile app development. At the heart is a cloud-based, scalable application backend. It...CONTINUE READING

Article Published (Windows Developer): Integration with Azure Logic Apps

The Windows Developer Magazin ( recently published my article about integration with Azure Logic Apps in their 8.16 edition:       The article introduces Azure Logic Apps and explains how Logic Apps can be used to connect Software As A Service offerings with custom code.   The Azure App Service This section explains...CONTINUE READING
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