Archives / July 2015

.NET Power Tip 1–Save a .NET Assembly as a Visual Studio Project (*.csproj) with ILSpy

  This blog post introduces ILSpy and shows the lesser known feature that allows you to decompile foreign assemblies and directly save them in the Visual Studio Project format (*.csproj). You might be familiar with ILSpy (, the open source successor of the legendary .NET Reflector. It emerged in the time when RedGate acquired .NET...CONTINUE READING

Checking your Application Servers with Powershell (ApplicationPools, Windows Services, EventLog, Performance Counters)

If you are working in enterprise software development, you will sooner or later be involved in deployment of code to multiple machines. Very often deployments are a tedious, annoying and time-consuming task. In the enterprise world you are often confronted with lots of different machines in your deployment process. There could be frontend, backend and...CONTINUE READING
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